Internet and the change of our Life
Does the future lead us to a new era of degrees and their definitions?
Since a couple days we have now officially 7 Billion humans living on the planet earth. To make the world a better place, the education and responsibility of education should not be underestimated. Therefore it is necessary to integrate education through the internet and online courses into our lives. It is even the smartest and cheapest way to educate the masses of humans through the help of technology and the internet.
Even with this modern mindset I personally cannot agree to the idea to graduate someone’s degree entirely online. An online degree should be defined by at least a little bit of classes or the final exam in person, face to face. For the easy reasons that faking the degree through help from others can be tempting. Also to carry the commitment and the responsibilities of an online exam is mostly not seen and very much underestimated. These responsibilities include aspects of honesty, time managing and being organized.
The honesty to an online degree is immense for the idea that there is an open possibility for earning a degree with special help from outside or others. It remains to the student, if he really is able to master the contest of an online class even after the graduation. Most people do not realize how much quality is required in these online classes and that it is necessary that they have to gain the knowledge for their own success. After the graduation it is important to the student to be able to survive the paste/speed of the corporate life. Most students choose these classes in the believe that their time is more flexible and they are able to study anytime, what they don’t realize is that they have to even invest more time into the subject since there is not a real person like the teacher or another student, which would just say it in different words and in the right manner in the right time. These aspects will include you to seek for help sometimes and there is the moment, where the honesty to yourself should kick in and you would not just copy ideas, rather than making your own thoughts to your own ideas.
The flexibility of time-managing through online courses, beside two children or a job can be very convenient and the next step into a better future. For these online achievement is still necessary to have a strong ability to manage your time and be committed to your well rounded plan. Most students miscalculate the timing of their own work and comprehension issues or they don’t even think about unknown issues, which could occur during an online class. This happens because they are unknown issues. Therefore the online deadlines or timings for assignments are heavier to carry through the online course than to be on a campus and to talk to the teacher or to have a face to face conversation which is sometimes more worthy than a million written words. This is when the on campus course becomes worthy the whole flexibility of a whole online course.
Being organized is the strongest universal law in this world, independent if it is for the job, the family life or the success for the online or the on campus courses. Therefore the responsibility to be organized in the online class is even much more needed than the on campus classes. The student is entirely left by himself by entering the internet and online course with his personal flexibility of time. There is no given structure of course preparations by the teacher or self-organized study groups from students for students. Therefore it is harder for the single student to create an organized routine, in which the student will be able to have a supervision and advisement for the organized structures of his, provided by the teacher through on campus classes on the same times for the whole semester. On campus classes will provide already a basic structure of organization through the on campus class on the same times, in the same room with the same teacher.
Therefore it sounds easier than it seems to own an entirely online owned degree. The deeper aspects of an online degree and its required personal responsibilities and qualities are unseen for the most students. The internet will still be the biggest educator for most teenagers. The only aspect with the internet is that the authenticity and quality of everything in the Internet is not proofed by any educational institution or any similar organization. Every single human can change “The Soul and character” of the World Wide Web as soon they learn how to put contest into the internet. There are no limitations or restrictions yet, who can expose his or her mindsets into the online world, if wrong or right the readers are unprotected from certain ideas or misunderstandings and they become one of many people in the huge earth with now 7 billion humans.
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